Nankang Cross Seasons AW-6 SUV 235/45 R19

Price from 97.83£
Nankang Cross Seasons AW-6 SUV
All season tyres Nankang Cross Seasons AW-6 SUV of size 235/45 R19:
  • Nankang Cross Seasons AW-6 SUV 235/45 R19 (99W) XL

    (EAN: 4718022011725)
    Fuel Efficiency: C Wet: B Noise: 72 db Reinforced Compare Added to comparison
    ShopPayments acceptedPriceBuy PayPal Visa MasterCard BankTransfer 97,83£ View offer PayPal Visa MasterCard AmericanExpress BankTransfer 114,83£ View offer PayPal Visa MasterCard AmericanExpress BankTransfer 137,76£ View offer
var $el, $ps, $up, totalHeight; $(".prezzi-container .button").click(function() { // IE 7 doesn't even get this far. I didn't feel like dicking with it. totalHeight = 0 $el = $(this); $p = $el.parent(); $up = $p.parent(); $table = $el.parent().parent().children(".prezzi"); totalHeight = $table.height()+15; //alert(totalHeight); $up .css({ // Set height to prevent instant jumpdown when max height is removed "height": $up.height(), "max-height": 9999 }) .animate({ "height": totalHeight }); // fade out read-more $p.fadeOut(); // prevent jump-down return false; }); }); -->

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Nankang Cross Seasons AW-6 SUV it's available in these sizes

Rime 16"

Rime 17"

Rime 18"

Rime 19"

Rime 20"

Cars compatible with tyres 235/45 R19 (not exhaustive list):