Tyres Hyundai Sonata: summer, winter and all-season,

Find all tyres suitable to be fitted to your Hyundai Sonata. We list all the versions made by Hyundai, divided by year of production.

Once you found the version, choose the tyres size for your Hyundai Sonata. We'll show you all the summer, winter and all season tyres on offer available, at the best price!

For your convenience we sorted the tyres sizes by diameter, which corresponds to the inches of the rim. Then choose the width and height of the tyre.

Click on the following links to see the list of tyres available in specific sizes for Hyundai Sonata:

Hyundai Sonata 2.0 16V:

Size: Price:
205/65 R15 (94H) from 44,73 £
205/60 R16 (92H) from 43,24 £

Hyundai Sonata 2.0 CRDi:

Size: Price:
215/60 R16 (95V) from 43,86 £
225/50 R17 (94V) from 50,73 £
225/45 R18 (91V) from 49,87 £

Hyundai Sonata 2.4:

Size: Price:
215/60 R16 (95V) from 43,86 £
225/50 R17 (94V) from 50,73 £
225/45 R18 (91V) from 49,87 £

Hyundai Sonata 2.7 V 6 24 V:

Size: Price:
205/65 R15 (94V) from 44,73 £
205/60 R16 (92V) from 43,24 £

Hyundai Sonata 3.3 V 6:

Size: Price:
215/60 R16 (95W) from 51,52 £
225/50 R17 (94W) from 50,73 £
225/45 R18 (91W) from 49,87 £

Tyres sizes for Hyundai Sonata (2005-2025)

Are you looking for suggestion on which tyres are best for your Hyundai Sonata?

Once you have selected the size above, we suggest you use the "Tyre fuel efficiency rate", "Wet grip class" and "Rating" filters. Doing so will narrow down the number of results and we'll only offer you the tyres considered the best, by manufacturers and drivers.


These tyres sizes for Hyundai Sonata are approximative. We recommend you check the actual sizes of your tyres in the registration document of your Hyundai.

It's particularly important to check that the rim diameter is correct, it's not possible to fit tyres with a different diameter than that of your Sonata rims.

Tyres pressure Hyundai Sonata

Tyre size Engine Front pressure Rear pressure
205/60 R162.0 16V 30 / 33 PSI 30 / 33 PSI
2.7 V 6 24 V 30 / 33 PSI 30 / 33 PSI
205/65 R152.0 16V 30 / 33 PSI 30 / 33 PSI
2.7 V 6 24 V 30 / 33 PSI 30 / 33 PSI
215/60 R162.0 CRDi 32 / 35 PSI 32 / 35 PSI
2.4 32 / 35 PSI 32 / 35 PSI
3.3 V 6 32 / 35 PSI 32 / 35 PSI
225/45 R182.0 CRDi 32 / 35 PSI 32 / 35 PSI
2.4 32 / 35 PSI 32 / 35 PSI
3.3 V 6 32 / 35 PSI 32 / 35 PSI
225/50 R172.0 CRDi 32 / 35 PSI 32 / 35 PSI
2.4 32 / 35 PSI 32 / 35 PSI
3.3 V 6 32 / 35 PSI 32 / 35 PSI

Hyundai cars tyres: